Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am married to a wifey boy!!

Last Sunday the kids and I dropped Carl off at the airport, in Montrose, his flight left at 945 am. We watched him go through security and then we left. He got to Denver no problem, got on another flight to St. Louis. He arrived in St. Louis at about 3 pm. He texted me and said he was there and all was well. He checked into his hotel and unpacked. He found some dinner and had it delivered to his room. The business meeting was at the hotel where he was staying. He had no car and no other transportation. The hotel was in the middle of a residential area, so no stores or restaurants within walking distance. So he settled in for the night and watched t.v. At about 9 pm Sunday night he called me and asked me not to be mad at him. I asked what was wrong and why I would be mad at him. He replied "I can't be here another minute." He was having an anxiety attack and he felt like he was going to have a heartattack. How can a wife be mad at her husband for missing her so much it was litterally making him sick to be away from her? I picked him up at the airport in Montrose at 2 pm on Monday. Carl has done this a couple of times in the past, but we thought he would be okay this trip. Thankfully his boss is a totally awesome lady, she covered for him and he won't lose his job. She actually embellished the story for Carl's benefit to the Regional Manager. So now Carl will be home alone when the kids and I go to Arizona. He said thats fine HE just can't leave home without me. Gotta love this boy!!!

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