Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just a thought

“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” -
Washington Irving

Cutting wood

I had to remind Carl we were cutting wood not doing plumbing.
Half a truck full, taking a much needed break.

Last Saturday we went to cut firewood. It was alot of fun. We packed a lunch and all went. The woods make the tree falling ALOT louder. We have to return in the next few weeks and get some more.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well I'll be darned

I get online every morning to check emails, and the such. I also check bank balances, and there I see a direct deposit for $103. 43 from Family Support Registry. For all those not in the know that is CHILD SUPPORT! Its been 3 years since I got the last deposit and that was $148. I am owed back support the total being about $2500 now. What fabulous thing I can buy for my son with these new riches you ask? Lets see 2 weeks of food, or is it the new boots he would like to have, or maybe 2/3 of the monthly ortho bill, or how about some jeans and pajama bottoms because he is growing so fast (5'7").
I mean every bit helps but sometimes its an insult. I have to say I am so grateful to Carl that he loved us enough to fight and spend all that money on attorneys and custody evaluations so Ethan could have the things he needs because we all know the child support won't do sqat in this economy.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Talking to Dad

I always enjoy going to the mountains. It seems the perfect place to talk to my dad. It's almost like I feel closer to him when I am in the hills. Carl took this picture so I could remember that beautiful day and how it was so easy to talk to my Dad. We probably won't return to the hill till spring, so this photo will remind me of my afternoon talking to Dad.

Fall in Colorado

We went to the Mesa for color Sunday, we actually went on Saturday. Anyway we got some wonderful pictures. I remember every year for a couple years Hillary and I would drive over the Mesa for color Sunday, my car even broke down one year. Fun times!!! By the way that is NOT snow in picture 3 just dry dirt.